Key Stock Market Indexes Increase Strongly on Monday

The stock market had another strong day on Monday, with the NASDAQ increasing 1.9%, the S&P up 1.6%, and the Dow Jones up 1.5%. Even with the recent upswing, all 3 indexes are below their values at the beginning of September.

At the conclusion of Monday’s trading session, the NASDAQ has increased 100.7% since President Trump took office, which is 1348 total days. Over this time period, the S&P and Dow have increased 48.1% and 39.8%, respectively.

Table showing Trump’s performance across all the metrics we track as of September 28, 2020

After 1348 days into the Obama presidency, the NASDAQ was up 103.8%, the S&P was up 62.3%, and the Dow up 69.5% which means Obama is beating Trump in performance on all 3 indexes. Trump is also losing to Obama in 5 out of 5 metrics we track which includes GDP and Job Growth as well.

Table comparing Trump’s performance to Obama in the stock market as of September 28, 2020

To see more presidential performance data such as GDP or jobs growth and comparisons, visit us at Facts First, the only non-opinion based presidential performance site on the web.